Types of validation in the pharmaceutical industry: a guide

Gianni Linssen
Skrevet av
Gianni Linssen
/ Publisert på
15. februar 2024
valideringsprosessen i farmasøytisk industri

Validation in the pharmaceutical industry is a critical procedure that ensures the safety, quality, and efficacy of drugs. Required by regulatory bodies such as the FDA, EMA, and WHO, validation is a cornerstone of pharmaceutical manufacturing, offering documented evidence that processes operate as intended. This article will define process validation and its practical applications in the pharmaceutical industry.

How to define process validation?

Validation is the process of generating documented evidence that a specific procedure, process, or activity consistently leads to the expected results. It is essential for ensuring product safety and compliance with guidelines such as ICH guidelines for process validation and WHO guidelines for validation.

Process validation is not just about meeting legal requirements; it is a proactive quality assurance measure that prevents issues like cross-contamination and product failure, thereby protecting public health and maintaining trust in pharmaceutical products. There are different types of pharmaceutical process validations, which we will elaborate further on.

Types of validation in pharma

1.    Process validation

This type confirms that the manufacturing process produces outputs that meet predefined specifications. It is conducted in three stages: process design, process qualification and continued process verification. This is a fundamental requirement outlined in FDA’s Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP).

2.    Cleaning validation

This ensures that cleaning methods effectively remove residues, contaminants or microorganisms from equipment to prevent cross-contamination. Cleaning validation is particularly critical for multi-product facilities.

3.    Analytical method validation

Verifies the accuracy, specificity, reproducibility and robustness of methods used to test pharmaceutical products. Compliance with ICH Q2(R2) is required for this process.

4.    Equipment validation

Confirms that equipment operates consistently within required parameters and supports the production of quality products. This includes qualification stages such as Design Qualification (DQ), Installation Qualification (IQ), Operational Qualification (OQ), and Performance Qualification (PQ).

Often, the terms qualification and validation are used inter. However, they servedifference purposes in pharmaceutical manufacturing.

-         Qualification focuses on ensuring that equipment, systems, or facilities function as expected. This includes activities such as Design Qualification (DQ), Installation Qualification (IQ), Operational Qualification (OQ), and Performance Qualification (PQ).

-         Validation, on the other hand, has a broader scope. It ensures that the entire process, including equipment, systems, and methods, consistently produces a product meeting predefined quality standards.

This distinction is crucial for understanding the steps involved in ensuring product quality and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Trinnene i prosessvalideringen

Validation in the pharmaceutical industry typically follows a systematic approach:

  • ‍Designkvalifisering (DQ)

Dette første trinnet sikrer at den foreslåtte utformingen av utstyret eller prosessen oppfyller kravene til det tiltenkte formålet.

  • Kvalifisering av installasjonen (IQ)

I denne fasen bekreftes det at utstyret eller systemene er riktig installert og i henhold til produsentens anbefalinger.

  • Operasjonell kvalifisering (OQ)

Her avgjøres det om systemene og utstyret fungerer i henhold til de tiltenkte driftsområdene.

  • Kvalifisering av ytelse (PQ)

Det siste trinnet innebærer å teste at utstyret konsekvent fungerer i henhold til prosessparametrene og kan produsere det ønskede resultatet.

Viktigheten av en systematisk tilnærming

A systematic approach to validation is crucial because it helps identify potential variability in processes and establishes measures to control these variables. This is not just about ticking off a compliance checklist; it'sabout guaranteeing the quality and consistency of life-saving drugs inqualitative healthcare packaging. That's why EcoBliss isyour partner in healthcare packaging.

Validation and its role in quality assurance

Validering er en integrert del av kvalitetssikringen (QA) i legemiddelindustrien. Det er et proaktivt tiltak som identifiserer potensielle problemer før de påvirker sluttproduktet. Det er en forebyggende tilnærming i stedet for en reaktiv, noe som sparer selskaper for kostbare tilbakekallinger og opprettholder omdømmet deres.

Det regulatoriske miljøet

There quirement for validation is grounded in regulations such as the FDA's Current Good Manufacturing Practices (discover why GMP matters, the European Medicines Agency's (EMA) guidelines, and the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH)guidelines.

Validering i praksis

To bring the concept of validation to life, let's look at a real-world application. In a packaging context, consider the Locked4Kids Wallet Box: a child-resistant solution. Before this innovative packaging hits the market, it undergoes rigorous testing and validation to ensure it meets safety standards while being accessible to adults. This kind of validation includes tests to verify that the packaging is tamper-evident, durable, and functions as intended.

Behovet for kontinuerlig validering

Validering er ikke en engangshendelse, men en kontinuerlig prosess. Etter hvert som nye data samles inn, kan prosessene bli forbedret, og valideringsaktiviteter vil bli utført på nytt for å sikre kontinuerlig samsvar og kvalitet.

Utfordringer og betraktninger

Validering kan være komplekst, og noen av utfordringene omfatter integrering av ny teknologi, tilpasning til skiftende regelverk og håndtering av kostnadene forbundet med valideringsaktiviteter.

Det er en viktig del av legemiddelindustriens forpliktelse til å levere trygge og effektive produkter, og det er en dynamisk prosess som krever oppmerksomhet på detaljer, en grundig forståelse av prosesser og et engasjement for kvalitet. Alle som er involvert i legemiddelindustrien, fra laboratoriet til styrerommet, må forstå viktigheten av validering.

Vil du diskutere hvordan en robust valideringsprosess kan implementeres for dine farmasøytiske produkter? Ikke nøl med å ta kontakt. Teamet vårt står klar til å gi deg ekspertveiledning og støtte, slik at produktene dine oppfyller de høyeste standarder for kvalitet og sikkerhet.

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