Farmaceutické obaly blister

Farmaceutické obaly blister

Ekologické, efektívne a personalizované balenie liekov
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Ecobliss Pharma vám pomôže vytvoriť funkčné a personalizované farmaceutické obaly blister . Neváhajte nás kontaktovať!
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Blister obaly na farmaceutické použitie

Pharmaceutical blister packaging - a type of healthcare packaging - protects the medicine from moisture and contamination, ensuring safety even after opening. Individual blisters allow users to access the required medicine without accidentally opening other sections. Our cold seal blister packaging takes sustainability to the next level. By using pressure-only sealing, this innovative approach eliminates heat usage, reduces energy consumption, and minimizes the carbon footprint. The packaging is crafted with eco-friendly materials and ensures seamless integration into pharmaceutical workflows.

Personalizované farmaceutické obaly blister

At Ecobliss Pharma, we specialize in creating customized pharmaceutical blister packaging designed to meet a wide range of medicine requirements. Our packaging solutions seamlessly integrate functionality, sustainability, and design precision to deliver results that align perfectly with your goals.

Collaborative design process

We work closely with our clients throughout the design and packaging process to ensure their unique needs are met. From incorporating specific information displays to implementing diverse graphic designs, we provide full flexibility and creative freedom. Every design phase includes customer feedback and validation, guaranteeing a final product that exceeds expectations.

Sustainable innovation with cold seal technology

Our cold seal solutions are a testament to our commitment to sustainability and innovation. These packaging options deliver exceptional environmental and operational benefits, including:

  • Energy efficiency: Achieve up to 30% energy savings compared to traditional heat-sealing methods.
  • High recyclability: Over 90% of materials used in our packaging are fully recyclable, making it a responsible choice for environmentally conscious brands.
  • Reduced carbon footprint: Lower greenhouse gas emissions contribute to a greener and more sustainable supply chain.

Ecobliss ensures that your blister packaging not only meets your technical and design needs but also aligns with your sustainability goals, delivering a solution that supports both your business and the environment.

Tailored solutions for diversepharmaceutical needs

Ecobliss provides blister packaging customized for specific applications. From child-resistant packs to senior-friendly designs, we cater to diverse pharmaceutical and healthcare requirements.

Applications include:

  • Prescription drugs: Protect sensitive medications with high-barrier or Alu-Alu blister packs.
  • Nutraceuticals: Use PVC or ACLAR® materials for robust, transparent packaging.
  • Temperature-sensitive drugs: Cold Form Foil (CFF) solutions ensure maximum protection.
  • Child-resistant and senior-friendly designs: Secure and easy-to-use packaging for safety and accessibility.

Types of pharmaceutical blister packaging

  1. Primárne balenie:
    • PVC and PVDC: Cost-effective and moisture-resistant options.
    • Alu-Alu: Full aluminum layers for maximum barrier protection.
    • Cold form foil: Ideal for fragile or temperature-sensitive products.
  3. Sekundárne balenie:
    • Blister cards: Eco-friendly, paperboard-based backings for primary blister packs.
    • Blister wallets: Compact, protective designs perfect for multi-dose medications.
    • Folding cartons: Durable, lightweight solutions for secondary packaging needs.

Continue reading to learn more about the different types of pharmaceutical packaging.

Prispôsobiteľné farmaceutické obaly

Blister obaly na farmaceutické použitie, ktoré sú nielen udržateľné, ale aj funkčné a personalizovateľné.
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